API References

The following table explains the endpoints used in this API document. Click on the links to navigate to the endpoint documentation.

Endpoint Name Description
AirShopping Shopping method allows you to search for your specific required itinerary from number of available prices from multiple sources such as GDS,NDC and Direct airlines.
AirOfferPrice OfferPrice method allows you to obtain the prices for specific travel requirements and price the particular ShoppingResponseId and OfferID.
AirFareRules FareRules method allows you to fetch any rules about the fare that are related to the current offer.
AirGetBrandedOffers GetBrandedOffers method allows you to fetch any branded offers that are available.
AirOfferSplit OfferSplit method allows you to breakdown the multibooking offer into single oneway offer.
AirShoppingAltDate ShoppingAltDate method allows you to search for your specific required itinerary from number of available prices from multiple sources such as GDS,NDC and Direct airlines for alternate days.
AirSeatMap SeatMap method allows you to fetch the seat map to select a specific seat.
AirOfferServiceList OfferServiceList method allows you to choose any additional services available for the offer.
AirOrderCreate OrderCreate method allows you to create a booking. (This endpoint will be deprecated soon, please use AirOrderCreateV2)
AirOrderCreateV2 OrderCreateV2 method also allows you to create a booking, but with slightly different settings.
AirOrderRetreive OrderRetrieve method allows you to retrieve your booking using GDS reference or GDS PNR.
AirReservationStatus OrderStatusRetrieve method allows you to retrieve your booking status using GDS reference or GDS PNR.
AirOrderCancel OrderCancel method allows you to cancel a booking
AirOrderChange OrderChange method allows you to update the booking details after you have booked the tickets.
AirDocIssue DocIssue method allows you to issue the ticket.
AirPostBookingSeatMap PostBookingSeatMap method allows you to fetch the seat map and add seat after confirming the Booking
AirPostBookingAncillary PostBookingAncillary method allows you to add the ancillaries post booking.
AirTicketVoid TicketVoid method allows you to cancel the ticket.
AirDocRetreive DocRetrieve method allows you to retrieve the ticket document stored in the GDS.
AirExchangeBooking ExchangeBooking method allows you to exchange your booking.
AirExchangePrice ExchangePrice method allows you to price the preferred offer from the Exchange Shopping Response.
AirExchangeShopping ExchangeShopping method carries the information of existing booking details
AirSplitPnr SplitPNR method allows you to split your ticket to multiple PNRs.
OrderChangeNotification OrderChangeNotification method to push the Order change response to client endpoint.
OrderInvoluntaryAccept OrderInvoluntaryAccept method allows you to accept the changes in your flight due to delay, cancellation and so on.
OrderInvoluntaryCancel OrderInvoluntaryCancel method allows you to cancel the involuntary order, if that’s not suitable to you.
AirOrderReshop OrderReshop method allows you to reshop the existing booking.