
The AirOrderReshop endpoint allows you to make changes to an existing booking Information by providing the OrderID and GDS Booking Reference, with this, you can re-shop the booking, which means you can modify the itinerary based on the convenient.

Additionally, you need to provide the existing Booking details, like itinerary details, travel date, and passenger’s details which may include Passenger’s name, PassengerID and DocumentNumber.

Note: GDS-Global Distribution System.


  • Name: Provide the name for the request. This is a String value.

  • ReferenceVersion: Provide the version number. This is a Numeric value.

This is an optional field.

  • Travel Agency Sender

    • Name: Provide the name for the request. This is a String value.

    • IATA Number: Provide the IATA number for the request. This is a String value.

    • Agency ID: Provide the agency ID for the request. This is a String value.

    • Contacts: This is an Array.

      • EmailContact: Provide the email contact for the request. This is a String value.

  • OrderID: This is the unique identifier that is typically provided by the airline at the time of booking. This is the required field, and the value will be String.

  • GdsBookingReference: This is the code that is used by GDS to identify the booking. The GDS booking references are typically provided by the airlines at the time of booking. This is the required field, and the value will be the String.

  • Reshop:

    • OriginDestination: This is an Array. This is a required field. Provide the origin and destination details.

      • PreviousDeparture: Provide the previous departure details.

        • AirportCode: Provide the IATA Airport code for the request. Only three-letters codes are accepted. This is a String value.

        • Date: Departure date (YYYY-MM-DD) to be filled in for the request. Only (YYYY-MM-DD) format is accepted. This is a Numeric value.

      • PreviousArrival: Provide the previous arrival details.

        • AirportCode: Provide the IATA airport code for the request. Only three-letters codes are accepted. This is a String value.
      • PreviousCabinType: Provide the previous cabin type details. The default value is Y:ECONOMY. Valid values are Y: ECONOMY, S: PREM ECONOMY, C: BUSINESS, D: PREMBUSINESS, F: FIRSTCLASS, and P: PREMFIRSTCLASS. This is a String value.

      • Departure: Provide the new departure details.

        • AirportCode: Provide the IATA airport code for the request. Only three-letters codes are accepted. This is a String value.

        • Date: Departure date(YYYY-MM-DD) to be filled in for the request. Only (YYYY-MM-DD) format is accepted. This is a Numeric value.

      • Arrival: Provide the new arrival details.

        • AirportCode: Provide the IATA airport code for the request. Only three-letters codes are accepted. This is a String value.
      • CabinType: Provide the new cabin type details. The default value is Y:ECONOMY. Valid values are Y: ECONOMY, S: PREM ECONOMY, C: BUSINESS, D: PREMBUSINESS, F: FIRSTCLASS, and P: PREMFIRSTCLASS.

  • Passenger: This is an Array.

    Note: This is a required field. The Passenger list must have at least one adult. Infant object count should be less than or equal to the adult count. More than nine passengers are not accepted.

    • PassengerID: Provide the passenger ID for the request. This is a String value.

    • PTC: Provide the passenger type. Valid values are ADT, CHD, and INF. This is a String value.

    • NameTitle: Provide the title of the name. Valid values are Mrs, Miss, Ms, and Mstr. This is a String value.

    • FirstName: Provide the first name. This is a String value.

    • MiddleName: Provide the middle name. This is a String value.

    • LastName: Provide the last name. This is a String value.

    • DocumentNumber: This is the unique passenger’s identification number received at the time of ticketing response. It is a required field, and the value will be the String.

  • CabinType: Provide the new cabin type details. The default value is Y:ECONOMY. Valid values are Y: ECONOMY, S: PREM ECONOMY, C: BUSINESS, D: PREMBUSINESS, F: FIRSTCLASS, and P: PREMFIRSTCLASS. This is a String value.

TraceId: Provide the trace ID. This is a String value.

Request URL Sample

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>' \

Request Body Sample

    "OrderReshopRQ": {
        "Document": {
            "Name": "Flight travels",
            "ReferenceVersion": "1.0"
        "Party": {
            "Sender": {
                "TravelAgencySender": {
                    "Name": "Flight travels",
                    "IATA_Number": "",
                    "AgencyID": "",
                    "Contacts": {
                        "Contact": [
                                "EmailContact": ""
        "Query": {
            "OrderID": "9FAY6WU8",
            "GdsBookingReference": "OUZGTA",
            "Reshop": {
                "OrderServicing": {
                    "Add": {
                        "FlightQuery": {
                            "OriginDestinations": {
                                "OriginDestination": [
                                        "PreviousDeparture": {
                                            "AirportCode": "YYZ",
                                            "Date": "2023-05-20"
                                        "PreviousArrival": {
                                            "AirportCode": "YVR"
                                        "PreviousCabinType": "Y",
                                        "Departure": {
                                            "AirportCode": "YYZ",
                                            "Date": "2023-06-10"
                                        "Arrival": {
                                            "AirportCode": "YVR"
                                        "CabinType": "Y"
        "DataLists": {
            "PassengerList": {
                "Passenger": [
                        "PassengerID": "ADT1",
                        "PTC": "ADT",
                        "NameTitle": "Mr",
                        "FirstName": "Ram",
                        "MiddleName": "",
                        "LastName": "Kumar",
                        "DocumentNumber": "8381609825606"
        "Preference": {
            "CabinType": "Y"
        "MetaData": {
            "TraceId": "166901478523"

Response Sample

    "OrderReshopRS": {
        "Document": {
            "Name": "API GATEWAY",
            "ReferenceVersion": "1.2"
        "Party": {
            "Sender": {
                "TravelAgencySender": {
                    "Name": "Diva Travels",
                    "IATA_Number": "",
                    "AgencyID": "Diva Travels",
                    "Contacts": {
                        "Contact": [
                                "EmailContact": ""
        "ShoppingResponseId": "1678942198305539250",
        "Success": {},
        "ReshopOffers": [
                "ReshopOffer": [
                        "OfferID": "51832121678942216112638535",
                        "Owner": "WS",
                        "OwnerName": "Westjet",
                        "BrandedFareOptions": [],
                        "Eticket": "true",
                        "AllowHold": "N",
                        "TimeLimits": {
                            "OfferExpirationDateTime": "2023-03-16T12:20:28",
                            "PaymentExpirationDateTime": ""
                        "PassportRequired": "N",
                        "BookingCurrencyCode": "CAD",
                        "EquivCurrencyCode": "CAD",
                        "HstPercentage": "",
                        "RewardSettings": {
                            "RewardAvailable": "N",
                            "PointTypes": [],
                            "PointValues": {}
                        "BookingFeeInfo": {
                            "FeeType": "",
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "TotalPrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": "197.75",
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": "197.75"
                        "BasePrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": "197.75",
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": "197.75"
                        "TaxPrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "Commission": {
                            "AgencyCommission": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "AgencyYqCommission": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "PortalCharges": {
                            "Markup": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "Surcharge": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "Discount": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "AddOfferItem": [
                                "OfferItemID": "OFFERITEMID1",
                                "Refundable": "false",
                                "PassengerType": "ADT",
                                "PassengerQuantity": 1,
                                "TotalPriceDetail": {
                                    "TotalAmount": {
                                        "BookingCurrencyPrice": 197.75,
                                        "EquivCurrencyPrice": 197.75
                                "Service": [
                                        "ServiceID": "SV1",
                                        "PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
                                        "FlightRefs": "Flight1"
                                "FareDetail": {
                                    "PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
                                    "Price": {
                                        "TotalAmount": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 197.75,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 197.75
                                        "BaseAmount": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 197.75,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 197.75
                                        "TaxAmount": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "Commission": {
                                            "AgencyCommission": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                            "AgencyYqCommission": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "BookingFee": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "PortalCharges": {
                                            "Markup": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                            "Surcharge": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                            "Discount": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "Taxes": [
                                                "TaxCode": "TT",
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                "FareComponent": [
                                        "PriceClassRef": "PCR_1",
                                        "SegmentRefs": "Segment1",
                                        "FareBasis": {
                                            "FareBasisCode": {
                                                "Refs": "FG_1",
                                                "Code": "ACUD0ZBI/CLO"
                                            "RBD": "A",
                                            "CabinType": "Y",
                                            "SeatLeft": "1"
                        "BaggageAllowance": [
                                "SegmentRefs": "Segment1",
                                "PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
                                "BaggageAllowanceRef": "Bag1"
                        "SplitPaymentInfo": [
                                "AirItineraryId": "51832121678942216112638535",
                                "MultipleFop": "N",
                                "MaxCardsPerPax": 0,
                                "MaxCardsPerPaxInMFOP": 0
                        "BookingToEquivExRate": 1,
                        "FopRef": "FOP_124_0_321_0_ALL_PRI"
                        "OfferID": "51832121678942217070747154",
                        "Owner": "WS",
                        "OwnerName": "Westjet",
                        "BrandedFareOptions": [],
                        "Eticket": "true",
                        "AllowHold": "N",
                        "TimeLimits": {
                            "OfferExpirationDateTime": "2023-03-16T12:20:28",
                            "PaymentExpirationDateTime": ""
                        "PassportRequired": "N",
                        "BookingCurrencyCode": "CAD",
                        "EquivCurrencyCode": "CAD",
                        "HstPercentage": "",
                        "RewardSettings": {
                            "RewardAvailable": "N",
                            "PointTypes": [],
                            "PointValues": {}
                        "BookingFeeInfo": {
                            "FeeType": "",
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "TotalPrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": "197.75",
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": "197.75"
                        "BasePrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": "197.75",
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": "197.75"
                        "TaxPrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "Commission": {
                            "AgencyCommission": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "AgencyYqCommission": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "PortalCharges": {
                            "Markup": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "Surcharge": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "Discount": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "AddOfferItem": [
                                "OfferItemID": "OFFERITEMID1",
                                "Refundable": "false",
                                "PassengerType": "ADT",
                                "PassengerQuantity": 1,
                                "TotalPriceDetail": {
                                    "TotalAmount": {
                                        "BookingCurrencyPrice": 197.75,
                                        "EquivCurrencyPrice": 197.75
                                "Service": [
                                        "ServiceID": "SV1",
                                        "PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
                                        "FlightRefs": "Flight2"
                                "FareDetail": {
                                    "PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
                                    "Price": {
                                        "TotalAmount": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 197.75,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 197.75
                                        "BaseAmount": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 197.75,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 197.75
                                        "TaxAmount": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "Commission": {
                                            "AgencyCommission": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                            "AgencyYqCommission": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "BookingFee": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "PortalCharges": {
                                            "Markup": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                            "Surcharge": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                            "Discount": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "Taxes": [
                                                "TaxCode": "TT",
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                "FareComponent": [
                                        "PriceClassRef": "PCR_1",
                                        "SegmentRefs": "Segment2",
                                        "FareBasis": {
                                            "FareBasisCode": {
                                                "Refs": "FG_1",
                                                "Code": "ACUD0ZBI/CLO"
                                            "RBD": "A",
                                            "CabinType": "Y",
                                            "SeatLeft": "1"
                        "BaggageAllowance": [
                                "SegmentRefs": "Segment2",
                                "PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
                                "BaggageAllowanceRef": "Bag1"
                        "SplitPaymentInfo": [
                                "AirItineraryId": "51832121678942217070747154",
                                "MultipleFop": "N",
                                "MaxCardsPerPax": 0,
                                "MaxCardsPerPaxInMFOP": 0
                        "BookingToEquivExRate": 1,
                        "FopRef": "FOP_124_0_321_0_ALL_PRI"
                        "OfferID": "51832121678942217877294268",
                        "Owner": "WS",
                        "OwnerName": "Westjet",
                        "BrandedFareOptions": [],
                        "Eticket": "true",
                        "AllowHold": "N",
                        "TimeLimits": {
                            "OfferExpirationDateTime": "2023-03-16T12:20:28",
                            "PaymentExpirationDateTime": ""
                        "PassportRequired": "N",
                        "BookingCurrencyCode": "CAD",
                        "EquivCurrencyCode": "CAD",
                        "HstPercentage": "",
                        "RewardSettings": {
                            "RewardAvailable": "N",
                            "PointTypes": [],
                            "PointValues": {}
                        "BookingFeeInfo": {
                            "FeeType": "",
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "TotalPrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": "197.75",
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": "197.75"
                        "BasePrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": "197.75",
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": "197.75"
                        "TaxPrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "Commission": {
                            "AgencyCommission": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "AgencyYqCommission": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "PortalCharges": {
                            "Markup": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "Surcharge": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "Discount": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "AddOfferItem": [
                                "OfferItemID": "OFFERITEMID1",
                                "Refundable": "false",
                                "PassengerType": "ADT",
                                "PassengerQuantity": 1,
                                "TotalPriceDetail": {
                                    "TotalAmount": {
                                        "BookingCurrencyPrice": 197.75,
                                        "EquivCurrencyPrice": 197.75
                                "Service": [
                                        "ServiceID": "SV1",
                                        "PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
                                        "FlightRefs": "Flight3"
                                "FareDetail": {
                                    "PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
                                    "Price": {
                                        "TotalAmount": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 197.75,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 197.75
                                        "BaseAmount": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 197.75,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 197.75
                                        "TaxAmount": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "Commission": {
                                            "AgencyCommission": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                            "AgencyYqCommission": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "BookingFee": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "PortalCharges": {
                                            "Markup": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                            "Surcharge": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                            "Discount": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "Taxes": [
                                                "TaxCode": "TT",
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                "FareComponent": [
                                        "PriceClassRef": "PCR_1",
                                        "SegmentRefs": "Segment3",
                                        "FareBasis": {
                                            "FareBasisCode": {
                                                "Refs": "FG_1",
                                                "Code": "ACUD0ZBI/CLO"
                                            "RBD": "A",
                                            "CabinType": "Y",
                                            "SeatLeft": "1"
                        "BaggageAllowance": [
                                "SegmentRefs": "Segment3",
                                "PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
                                "BaggageAllowanceRef": "Bag1"
                        "SplitPaymentInfo": [
                                "AirItineraryId": "51832121678942217877294268",
                                "MultipleFop": "N",
                                "MaxCardsPerPax": 0,
                                "MaxCardsPerPaxInMFOP": 0
                        "BookingToEquivExRate": 1,
                        "FopRef": "FOP_124_0_321_0_ALL_PRI"
                        "OfferID": "51832121678942222391889445",
                        "Owner": "WS",
                        "OwnerName": "Westjet",
                        "BrandedFareOptions": [],
                        "Eticket": "true",
                        "AllowHold": "N",
                        "TimeLimits": {
                            "OfferExpirationDateTime": "2023-03-16T12:20:28",
                            "PaymentExpirationDateTime": ""
                        "PassportRequired": "N",
                        "BookingCurrencyCode": "CAD",
                        "EquivCurrencyCode": "CAD",
                        "HstPercentage": "",
                        "RewardSettings": {
                            "RewardAvailable": "N",
                            "PointTypes": [],
                            "PointValues": {}
                        "BookingFeeInfo": {
                            "FeeType": "",
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "TotalPrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": "197.75",
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": "197.75"
                        "BasePrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": "197.75",
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": "197.75"
                        "TaxPrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "Commission": {
                            "AgencyCommission": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "AgencyYqCommission": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "PortalCharges": {
                            "Markup": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "Surcharge": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "Discount": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "AddOfferItem": [
                                "OfferItemID": "OFFERITEMID1",
                                "Refundable": "false",
                                "PassengerType": "ADT",
                                "PassengerQuantity": 1,
                                "TotalPriceDetail": {
                                    "TotalAmount": {
                                        "BookingCurrencyPrice": 197.75,
                                        "EquivCurrencyPrice": 197.75
                                "Service": [
                                        "ServiceID": "SV1",
                                        "PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
                                        "FlightRefs": "Flight4"
                                "FareDetail": {
                                    "PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
                                    "Price": {
                                        "TotalAmount": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 197.75,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 197.75
                                        "BaseAmount": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 197.75,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 197.75
                                        "TaxAmount": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "Commission": {
                                            "AgencyCommission": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                            "AgencyYqCommission": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "BookingFee": {
                                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "PortalCharges": {
                                            "Markup": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                            "Surcharge": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                            "Discount": {
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                        "Taxes": [
                                                "TaxCode": "TT",
                                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                                "FareComponent": [
                                        "PriceClassRef": "PCR_1",
                                        "SegmentRefs": "Segment4",
                                        "FareBasis": {
                                            "FareBasisCode": {
                                                "Refs": "FG_1",
                                                "Code": "ACUD0ZBI/CLO"
                                            "RBD": "A",
                                            "CabinType": "Y",
                                            "SeatLeft": "1"
                        "BaggageAllowance": [
                                "SegmentRefs": "Segment4",
                                "PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
                                "BaggageAllowanceRef": "Bag1"
                        "SplitPaymentInfo": [
                                "AirItineraryId": "51832121678942222391889445",
                                "MultipleFop": "N",
                                "MaxCardsPerPax": 0,
                                "MaxCardsPerPaxInMFOP": 0
                        "BookingToEquivExRate": 1,
                        "FopRef": "FOP_124_0_321_0_ALL_PRI"
                        "OfferID": "51832121678942222392128582",
                        "Owner": "WS",
                        "OwnerName": "Westjet",
                        "BrandedFareOptions": [],
                        "Eticket": "true",
                        "AllowHold": "N",
                        "TimeLimits": {
                            "OfferExpirationDateTime": "2023-03-16T12:20:28",
                            "PaymentExpirationDateTime": ""
                        "PassportRequired": "N",
                        "BookingCurrencyCode": "CAD",
                        "EquivCurrencyCode": "CAD",
                        "HstPercentage": "",
                        "RewardSettings": {
                            "RewardAvailable": "N",
                            "PointTypes": [],
                            "PointValues": {}
                        "BookingFeeInfo": {
                            "FeeType": "",
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "TotalPrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": "197.75",
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": "197.75"
                        "BasePrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": "197.75",
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": "197.75"
                        "TaxPrice": {
                            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "Commission": {
                            "AgencyCommission": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "AgencyYqCommission": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "PortalCharges": {
                            "Markup": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "Surcharge": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                            "Discount": {
                                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                        "AddOfferItem": [
                                "OfferItemID": "OFFERITEMID1",
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "16:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
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                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "18:00:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Name": "Westjet",
                            "FlightNumber": "719"
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                            "Name": "Boeing 737-800 (winglets) pax"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "15:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "17:03:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
                        "MarketingCarrier": {
                            "AirlineID": "WS",
                            "Name": "Westjet",
                            "FlightNumber": "717"
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                            "Name": "Westjet",
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                            "Name": "7M8"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "06:30:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "08:35:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                                "Name": "3"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "23:05:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "AirportName": "Lester B. Pearson International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
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                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-11",
                            "Time": "00:20:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
                        "MarketingCarrier": {
                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                            "Name": "Westjet",
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                        "Equipment": {
                            "AircraftCode": "73H",
                            "Name": "Boeing 737-800 (winglets) pax"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "09:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "11:07:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "10:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "12:07:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "12:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "14:03:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "17:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "19:05:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "AircraftCode": "73H",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "22:05:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "20:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "22:12:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "23:15:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "23:41:00",
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                            "Time": "09:00:00",
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                                "Name": "3"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "11:08:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "12:15:00",
                            "AirportName": "Edmonton International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "12:49:00",
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                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "12:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YEG",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "14:08:00",
                            "AirportName": "Edmonton International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                                "Name": ""
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                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "15:49:00",
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                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
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                                "Name": "3"
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                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "12:13:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "13:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "13:57:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "FlightNumber": "115"
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                            "Name": "Westjet",
                            "FlightNumber": "115"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "16:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Lester B. Pearson International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "18:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                            "FlightNumber": "669"
                        "OperatingCarrier": {
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                            "FlightNumber": "669"
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                            "Name": "789"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "20:00:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "20:32:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                            "FlightNumber": "66"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "17:00:00",
                            "AirportName": "Lester B. Pearson International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YEG",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "19:09:00",
                            "AirportName": "Edmonton International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                            "Name": "Westjet",
                            "FlightNumber": "435"
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                            "AircraftCode": "73W",
                            "Name": "Boeing 737-700 (winglets) pax"
                        "Code": {
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "20:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Edmonton International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "21:03:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "06:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Lester B. Pearson International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "08:40:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                            "AircraftCode": "73H",
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "10:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "10:57:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "15:45:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "17:45:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                            "FlightNumber": "665"
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                            "Name": "Boeing 737-800 (winglets) pax"
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                        "Departure": {
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "16:15:00",
                            "AirportName": "Lester B. Pearson International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YEG",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "18:23:00",
                            "AirportName": "Edmonton International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                            "FlightNumber": "433"
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                        "Code": {
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                        "Departure": {
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "09:00:00",
                            "AirportName": "Lester B. Pearson International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "11:13:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "MarketingCarrier": {
                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                        "Code": {
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                        "Departure": {
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "02:00:00",
                            "AirportName": "Lester B. Pearson International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "04:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "MarketingCarrier": {
                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                            "FlightNumber": "8545"
                        "Equipment": {
                            "AircraftCode": "73H",
                            "Name": "Boeing 737-800 (winglets) pax"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "06:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "06:59:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "17:10:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YWG",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "18:46:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "FlightNumber": "489"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "21:35:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "22:34:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Time": "18:00:00",
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                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "20:12:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "17:15:00",
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                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "17:48:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "22:15:00",
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                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-11",
                            "Time": "00:27:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Date": "2023-06-11",
                            "Time": "04:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-11",
                            "Time": "04:05:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "08:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "10:13:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "FlightNumber": "649"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "07:30:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "07:59:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
                        "MarketingCarrier": {
                            "AirlineID": "WS",
                            "Name": "Westjet",
                            "FlightNumber": "103"
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                            "Name": "Westjet",
                            "FlightNumber": "103"
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                            "Name": "Boeing 737-800 (winglets) pax"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "17:45:00",
                            "AirportName": "Lester B. Pearson International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YXE",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "20:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Saskatoon John G. Diefenbaker International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                            "FlightNumber": "8586"
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                            "Name": "Westjet",
                            "FlightNumber": "8586"
                        "Equipment": {
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                            "Name": "Boeing 737-800 (winglets) pax"
                        "Code": {
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                                "Value": "4 H 45 M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "22:00:00",
                            "AirportName": "Saskatoon John G. Diefenbaker International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-11",
                            "Time": "00:35:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                            "FlightNumber": "8682"
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                            "FlightNumber": "8682"
                        "Equipment": {
                            "AircraftCode": "73H",
                            "Name": "Boeing 737-800 (winglets) pax"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "08:30:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "08:58:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "FlightNumber": "105"
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                            "FlightNumber": "105"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "17:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YOW",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "18:08:00",
                            "AirportName": "Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "FlightNumber": "3474"
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                            "Name": "Westjet",
                            "FlightNumber": "3474"
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                        "Code": {
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "22:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-11",
                            "Time": "00:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "17:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YOW",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "18:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "FlightNumber": "8529"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "18:15:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YEG",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "20:24:00",
                            "AirportName": "Edmonton International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "FlightNumber": "437"
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                        "Code": {
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "21:15:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "22:09:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "22:15:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YEG",
                            "Date": "2023-06-11",
                            "Time": "00:24:00",
                            "AirportName": "Edmonton International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Date": "2023-06-11",
                            "Time": "01:00:00",
                            "AirportName": "Edmonton International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-11",
                            "Time": "02:00:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "14:00:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YEG",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "14:52:00",
                            "AirportName": "Edmonton International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Name": "De Havilland Canada DHC-8-400 Dash 8Q"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "11:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YEG",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "11:52:00",
                            "AirportName": "Edmonton International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "19:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "19:55:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "13:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "3"
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "15:11:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "AirlineID": "WS",
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                        "Code": {
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "16:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Calgary International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "16:57:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "AircraftCode": "73W",
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "17:30:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "17:55:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "15:30:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "15:57:00",
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                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-11",
                            "Time": "06:30:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YVR",
                            "Date": "2023-06-11",
                            "Time": "06:59:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": "M"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "04:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
                        "Arrival": {
                            "AirportCode": "YWG",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "06:00:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                        "Equipment": {
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                        "Departure": {
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "06:30:00",
                            "AirportName": "Winnipeg / James Armstrong Richardson International Airport",
                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "AirportCode": "YYC",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "07:36:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Name": "Westjet",
                            "FlightNumber": "271"
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "12:15:00",
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                                "Name": "3"
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                            "AirportCode": "YWG",
                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "13:49:00",
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                            "Terminal": {
                                "Name": ""
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "16:05:00",
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                            "Date": "2023-06-10",
                            "Time": "05:30:00",
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                        "Journey": {
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Try it out!