AirOrderChange is used in airline booking systems to allows modify their existing bookings. This endpoint can be particularly useful who need to change their travel plans, such as rescheduling a flight or upgrading their seat.
To use the AirOrderChange, you will need to provide certain information, like Shopping Response ID, the Offer ID, and the Passenger details, which typically include the passenger’s name and contact information This information is necessary to make changes or upgrades to the booking.
Name: Provide the name for the request. This is a String value.
ReferenceVersion: Provide the version number. This is a Numeric value.
This is an optional field.
Travel Agency Sender:
Name: Provide the name for the request. This is a String value.
IATA Number: Provide the IATA number for the request. This is a String value.
Agency ID: Provide the agency ID for the request. This is a String value.
Contacts: This is an Array.
- EmailContact: Provide the email contact for the request. This is a String value.
The Shopping Response ID is a unique identifier that is generated when a customer performs a search for flights and receives a list of available options.
This is the required field and the value will be Numeric.
The airline booking system generates an OfferResponseID to identify the specific offer. This ID is unique to that particular offer so that it is important to provide the correct numeric value to ensure that the system can identify the correct offer.
This is the required field, and the value will be Numeric
- OfferID: When a customer performs a search for flights, the airline generates a list of available offers that meet the customer’s search criteria. Each offer within that list is assigned a unique OfferID.It is important to provide the correct numeric value to ensure that the system can identify the correct offer.This is the required field, and the value will be Numeric.
and Hold
. This is a String value.
Payments: This is an Array.
Type: Provide the payment type. This is a String value.
PassengerID: Provide the passenger ID. This is a String value.
Amount: Provide the amount. This is a Numeric value.
ChequeNumber: Provide the cheque number. This is a String value.
Passenger: This is an Array.
Note: This is a required field. The Passenger list must have at least one adult. Infant object count should be less than or equal to adult count. Total passenger count should be less than or eqaul to 9.
PassengerID: Provide the passenger ID for the request. This is a String value.
PTC: Provide the passenger type. Valid values are
, andINF
. This is a String value. -
NameTitle: Provide the title of the name. Valid values are
, andMstr
. This is a String value. -
FirstName: Provide the first name. This is a String value.
MiddleName: Provide the middle name. This is a String value.
LastName: Provide the last name. This is a String value.
DocumentNumber: This is the unique passenger’s identification number received at the time of ticketing response. It is a required field, and the value will be String.
ContactInformation: This is an Array.
ContactID: Provide the contact ID. This is a String value.
AgencyName: Provide the agency name. This is a String value.
EmailAddress: Provide the email address. This is a String value.
CountryCode: Provide the country code. This is a Numeric value.
AreaCode: Provide the area code. This is a Numeric value.
PhoneNumber: Provide the phone number. This is a Numeric value.
CountryCode: Provide the country code. This is a Numeric value.
MobileNumber: Provide the mobile number. This is a Numeric value.
Street: This is an Array. Provide the street details.
CityName: Provide the city name. This is a String value.
StateProv: Provide the state province. This is a String value.
PostalCode: Provide the postal code. This is a Numeric value.
CountryCode: Provide the country code. This is a String value.
Request URL
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
Request Body Sample
"OrderChangeRQ": {
"Document": {
"Name": "Flight travels",
"ReferenceVersion": "1.0"
"Party": {
"Sender": {
"TravelAgencySender": {
"Name": "Flight travels",
"IATA_Number": "",
"AgencyID": "",
"Contacts": {
"Contact": [
"EmailContact": ""
"ShoppingResponseId": "1678942198305539250",
"OfferResponseId": "1678942308425768025",
"MetaData": {},
"Query": {
"OrderServicing": {
"AcceptOffer": {
"Offer": [
"OfferID": "51832121678942216112638535"
"BookingType": "BOOK",
"Payments": {
"Payment": [
"Type": "CHECK",
"PassengerID": "ALL",
"Amount": 197.75,
"ChequeNumber": "985632"
"DataLists": {
"PassengerList": {
"Passenger": [
"PassengerID": "ADT1",
"PTC": "ADT",
"NameTitle": "Mr",
"FirstName": "Ram",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "Kumar",
"DocumentNumber": "8381609825606"
"ContactList": {
"ContactInformation": [
"ContactID": "CTC1",
"AgencyName": "Flight travels",
"EmailAddress": "",
"Phone": {
"ContryCode": "+91",
"AreaCode": "",
"PhoneNumber": ""
"Mobile": {
"ContryCode": "",
"MobileNumber": "7708382004"
"Address": {
"Street": [
"CityName": "chennai",
"StateProv": "TN",
"PostalCode": "6007001",
"CountryCode": "IN"
Response Sample
"OrderViewRS": {
"Document": {
"Name": "API GATEWAY",
"ReferenceVersion": "1.2"
"Party": {
"Sender": {
"TravelAgencySender": {
"Name": "Diva Travels",
"IATA_Number": "",
"AgencyID": "Diva Travels",
"Contacts": {
"Contact": [
"EmailContact": ""
"ShoppingResponseId": "1678942198305539250",
"Success": {},
"Payments": {
"Payment": [
"Type": "CHECK",
"PassengerID": "ALL",
"Amount": 333.72,
"ChequeNumber": "056789"
"Order": [
"OrderID": "2PE7SBCL",
"GdsBookingReference": "OUZGTA",
"OrderStatus": "SUCCESS",
"NeedToTicket": "N",
"OfferID": "51832121678942216112638535",
"Owner": "WS",
"OwnerName": "Westjet",
"BrandedFareOptions": [],
"Eticket": "true",
"TimeLimits": {
"OfferExpirationDateTime": "2023-03-16T12:25:54",
"PaymentExpirationDateTime": "2023-03-16 04:00:00"
"BookingCurrencyCode": "CAD",
"EquivCurrencyCode": "CAD",
"HstPercentage": "",
"RewardSettings": {
"RewardAvailable": "N",
"PointTypes": [],
"PointValues": {}
"BookingFeeInfo": {
"FeeType": "AIF",
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"TotalPrice": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 198.5,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 198.5
"BasePrice": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 139.3,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 139.3
"TaxPrice": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 59.2,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 59.2
"Commission": {
"AgencyCommission": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"AgencyYqCommission": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"PortalCharges": {
"Markup": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"Surcharge": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"Discount": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"AgentMarkupInfo": {
"OnflyMarkup": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"OnflyDiscount": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"OnflyHst": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"PromoDiscount": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0,
"PromoCode": ""
"PaxSeatInfo": [],
"OfferItem": [
"OfferItemID": "OFFERITEMID1",
"Refundable": "false",
"PassengerType": "ADT",
"PassengerQuantity": 1,
"TotalPriceDetail": {
"TotalAmount": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 198.5,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 198.5
"Service": [
"ServiceID": "SV1",
"PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
"FlightRefs": "Flight1"
"FareDetail": {
"PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
"Price": {
"TotalAmount": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 198.5,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 198.5
"BaseAmount": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 139.3,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 139.3
"TaxAmount": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 59.2,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 59.2
"Commission": {
"AgencyCommission": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"AgencyYqCommission": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"BookingFee": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"PortalCharges": {
"Markup": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"Surcharge": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"Discount": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"Taxes": [
"TaxCode": "RC",
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 17.08,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 17.08
"TaxCode": "SQ",
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 35,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 35
"TaxCode": "CA",
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 7.12,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 7.12
"FareComponent": [
"PriceClassRef": "PCR_1",
"SegmentRefs": "Segment1",
"FareBasis": {
"FareBasisCode": {
"Refs": "FG_1",
"Code": "ACUD0ZBI/CLO"
"RBD": "A",
"CabinType": "Y",
"SeatLeft": "1"
"BaggageAllowance": [
"SegmentRefs": "Segment1",
"PassengerRefs": "ADT1",
"BaggageAllowanceRef": "Bag1"
"SplitPaymentInfo": [
"AirItineraryId": "51832121678942216112638535",
"MultipleFop": "N",
"MaxCardsPerPax": 0,
"MaxCardsPerPaxInMFOP": 0
"BookingToEquivExRate": 1,
"FopRef": "FOP_124_0_321_0_ALL_PRI"
"DataLists": {
"PassengerList": {
"Passengers": [
"PassengerID": "ADT1",
"PTC": "ADT",
"NameTitle": "Mr",
"FirstName": "Ram",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "Kumar",
"DocumentNumber": "8381609825606",
"PassengerRefID": "ADT1"
"DisclosureList": {
"Disclosures": []
"FareList": {
"FareGroup": [
"FareGroupRef": "FG_1",
"FareCode": "749",
"FareBasisCode": "ACUD0ZBI/CLO"
"FlightSegmentList": {
"FlightSegment": [
"SegmentKey": "Segment1",
"Departure": {
"AirportCode": "YYZ",
"Date": "2023-06-10",
"Time": "16:00:00",
"AirportName": "Lester B. Pearson International Airport",
"Terminal": {
"Name": "3"
"Arrival": {
"AirportCode": "YVR",
"Date": "2023-06-10",
"Time": "18:00:00",
"AirportName": "Vancouver International Airport",
"Terminal": {
"Name": "M"
"MarketingCarrier": {
"AirlineID": "WS",
"Name": "Westjet",
"FlightNumber": "719"
"OperatingCarrier": {
"AirlineID": "WS",
"Name": "Westjet",
"FlightNumber": "719"
"Equipment": {
"AircraftCode": "73H",
"Name": "Boeing 737-800 (winglets) pax"
"Code": {
"MarriageGroup": "O"
"FlightDetail": {
"FlightDuration": {
"Value": "5 H 0 M"
"Stops": {
"Value": "0"
"InterMediate": [],
"AirMilesFlown": 0
"BrandId": ""
"FlightList": {
"Flight": [
"FlightKey": "Flight1",
"Journey": {
"Time": "5 H 0 M",
"Stops": 0
"SegmentReferences": "Segment1"
"OriginDestinationList": {
"OriginDestination": [
"OriginDestinationKey": "OD1",
"DepartureCode": "YYZ",
"ArrivalCode": "YVR",
"FlightReferences": "Flight1"
"PriceClassList": {
"PriceClass": [
"PriceClassID": "PCR_1",
"Name": "",
"Code": "",
"Descriptions": {
"Description": []
"BaggageAllowanceList": {
"BaggageAllowance": [
"BaggageAllowanceID": "Bag1",
"BaggageCategory": "Checked",
"AllowanceDescription": {
"ApplicableParty": "Traveler",
"Description": "CHECKED ALLOWANCE"
"PieceAllowance": {
"ApplicableParty": "Traveler",
"TotalQuantity": "0",
"Unit": "Kg"
"FopList": [
"CC": {
"Allowed": "Y",
"Types": {
"AX": {
"F": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": "10",
"EquivCurrencyPrice": "10"
"P": 0,
"Charges": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 10,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 10
"MC": {
"F": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"P": 0,
"Charges": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"VI": {
"F": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": "2",
"EquivCurrencyPrice": "2"
"P": 0,
"Charges": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 2,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 2
"JC": {
"F": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"P": 0,
"Charges": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"DC": {
"F": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"P": 0,
"Charges": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"DUS": {
"F": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"P": 0,
"Charges": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"MA": {
"F": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"P": 0,
"Charges": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"DS": {
"F": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"P": 0,
"Charges": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"TP": {
"F": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"P": 0,
"Charges": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"DC": {
"Allowed": "Y",
"Types": {
"MC": {
"F": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"P": 0,
"Charges": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"VI": {
"F": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"P": 0,
"Charges": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"RU": {
"F": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"P": 0,
"Charges": {
"BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
"EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
"CASH": {
"Allowed": "N",
"Types": {}
"Allowed": "Y",
"Types": {}
"ACH": {
"Allowed": "Y",
"Types": {}
"PG": {
"Allowed": "Y",
"Types": {}
"FopKey": "FOP_124_0_321_0_ALL_PRI"
"TicketDocInfos": {
"TicketDocInfo": [
"TicketDocument": {
"TicketDocNbr": "8381609825607",
"Type": "TKT"
"PassengerReference": "ADT1",
"GdsBookingReference": "OUZGTA"
"MetaData": {}