
This comprehensive guide is help you to understand the workflow involved in implementing Order Change Notifications (OCN). When an airline makes unavoidable changes to a booking’s PNR, this service promptly notifies you about those alterations. The notifications will detail any modifications affecting the itinerary associated with the PNR, such as flight cancellations, unexpected delays, or rescheduling of flights. By staying informed of these changes, you can effectively manage your travel arrangements and ensure a smoother journey.

To begin, you will receive a notification on your end, you will provide with details on which endpoint to send the OCN response.

  1. Necessary Details to Configure Endpoint
  2. Receives the OCN response
  3. Send Acknowledge response

1. Necessary Details to Configure Endpoint

    1. URL: To push the OCN response to the your-end (Example: http://localhost:5200/WebhookListener)
    2. Authorization Types (Example: Basic Auth, Bearer Token or OAuth)
    For Example: Authorization-type: Basic Auth & Values - {“username”: “test”, “password”: “test@#sample”}

Use those above credentials to send the OCN response to client-end service.

After you have completed the configuration part then only you may come across the below steps.

2. Receives the OCN response

If the PNR has been changed involuntarily by the airline or GDS, the OCN response will be sent directly to the endpoint based on your configurations as your configured endpoint and authorization.

If not configured with the clarity portal you are not aware if the booking PNR has happened any modification or not.

Below are the possible details may change from the itinerary


	1. AirportCode	2. Date	3. Time	4. Airport Name 


	1. AirlineID	2. Name	3. Flight Number 


	1. Flight Duration 	2. Stops	3. Air Miles Flown 


	1. RBD 

Sample OCN Response

curl --location --request POST 'customer_ocn_listner_url' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic EncryptionKey' \
--data-raw '{
  "OrderViewRS": {
    "Document": {
      "Name": "API GATEWAY",
      "ReferenceVersion": "1.2"
    "Party": {
      "Sender": {
        "TravelAgencySender": {
          "Name": "test Travels",
          "IATA_Number": "",
          "AgencyID": "test Travels",
          "Contacts": {
            "Contact": [
                "EmailContact": ""
    "ShoppingResponseId": "1724064903682591567",
    "Success": {},
    "Payments": {
      "Payment": [
          "Type": "CARD",
          "Amount": "4490.88",
          "Method": {
            "PaymentCard": {
              "CardCode": "VI",
              "CardNumber": "card_number_a1d4644e51ed6c506a49cf2c422f8523898588731167e056cebc3f9c",
              "SeriesCode": "cvv_a1d4644e51ed6c506a49cf2c422f8523898588731167e056cebc3f9c",
              "CardHolderName": "card_holder_name_a1d4644e51ed6c506a49cf2c422f8523898588731167e056cebc3f9c",
              "EffectiveExpireDate": {
                "Effective": "",
                "Expiration": ""
    "Order": [
        "OrderID": "J3IKKZV8",
        "GdsBookingReference": "QIBUKI",
        "OrderStatus": "BOOKED",
        "PaymentStatus": "PAID",
        "TicketStatus": "TICKETED",
        "PnrStatus": "",
        // New keys, possible-values and default values
        "ScheduleChangeIndicator": false, // Possible values -true, false, Default-Value: false
        "ScheduleChangeStatus": "", // "ScheduleChangeIndicator" as true - Possible Status Key - Initiated, Accepted, Rejected, Partially-Accepted - Default-Value - "" (Empty).
        "NeedToTicket": "N",
        "OfferID": "117498811724064911641735202",
        "Owner": "EY",
        "OwnerName": "Etihad Airways",
        "IsBrandedFare": "Y",
        "BrandedFareOptions": [],
        "InstantTicket": "N",
        "CabinOptions": [],
        "IsAdditionalCabinType": "N",
        "Eticket": "",
        "TimeLimits": {
          "OfferExpirationDateTime": "2024-08-23T13:30:26"
        "BookingCurrencyCode": "CAD",
        "EquivCurrencyCode": "CAD",
        "HstPercentage": "",
        "RewardSettings": {
          "RewardAvailable": "N",
          "PointTypes": [],
          "PointValues": {}
        "BookingFeeInfo": {
          "FeeType": "",
          "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
          "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
        "TotalPrice": {
          "BookingCurrencyPrice": 4260.88,
          "EquivCurrencyPrice": 4260.88
        "BasePrice": {
          "BookingCurrencyPrice": 2508,
          "EquivCurrencyPrice": 2508
        "TaxPrice": {
          "BookingCurrencyPrice": 1752.88,
          "EquivCurrencyPrice": 1752.88
        "Commission": {
          "AgencyCommission": {
            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
          "AgencyYqCommission": {
            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
        "PortalCharges": {
          "Markup": {
            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
          "Surcharge": {
            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
          "Discount": {
            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
        "AgentMarkupInfo": {
          "OnflyMarkup": {
            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 230,
            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 230
          "OnflyDiscount": {
            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
          "OnflyHst": {
            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
          "PromoDiscount": {
            "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
            "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0,
            "PromoCode": ""
        "Penalty": {
          "ChangeFee": {
            "Before": {
              "BookingCurrencyPrice": 814,
              "EquivCurrencyPrice": 814
            "After": {
              "BookingCurrencyPrice": 814,
              "EquivCurrencyPrice": 814
          "CancelationFee": {
            "Before": {
              "BookingCurrencyPrice": 949,
              "EquivCurrencyPrice": 949
            "After": {
              "BookingCurrencyPrice": 949,
              "EquivCurrencyPrice": 949
        "PaxSeatInfo": [],
        "OfferItem": [
            "OfferItemID": "OFFERITEMID1",
            "Refundable": "true",
            "PassengerType": "ADT",
            "PassengerQuantity": 2,
            "TotalPriceDetail": {
              "TotalAmount": {
                "BookingCurrencyPrice": 4260.88,
                "EquivCurrencyPrice": 4260.88
            "Service": [
                "ServiceID": "SV1",
                "PassengerRefs": "ADT1 ADT2",
                "FlightRefs": "Flight1"
                "ServiceID": "SV2",
                "PassengerRefs": "ADT1 ADT2",
                "FlightRefs": "Flight2"
            "FareDetail": {
              "PassengerRefs": "ADT1 ADT2",
              "Price": {
                "TotalAmount": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 4260.88,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 4260.88
                "BaseAmount": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 2508,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 2508
                "TaxAmount": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 1752.88,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 1752.88
                "Commission": {
                  "AgencyCommission": {
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                  "AgencyYqCommission": {
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                "BookingFee": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                "PortalCharges": {
                  "Markup": {
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                  "Surcharge": {
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                  "Discount": {
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                "Taxes": [
                    "TaxCode": "YQ",
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 1152.2,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 1152.2
                    "TaxCode": "K3",
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 183.02,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 183.02
                    "TaxCode": "IN",
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 8.76,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 8.76
                    "TaxCode": "YM",
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 23.14,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 23.14
                    "TaxCode": "ZR",
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 7.48,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 7.48
                    "TaxCode": "F6",
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 59.76,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 59.76
                    "TaxCode": "AU",
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 127.08,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 127.08
                    "TaxCode": "WY",
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 152.6,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 152.6
                    "TaxCode": "P2",
                    "BookingCurrencyPrice": 38.84,
                    "EquivCurrencyPrice": 38.84
            "FareComponent": [
                "PriceClassRef": "PCR_1",
                "SegmentRefs": "Segment1 Segment2",
                "FareBasis": {
                  "FareBasisCode": {
                    "Refs": "FG_1 FG_1",
                    "Code": "LLN08V6R LLN08V6R"
                  "RBD": "L L",
                  "CabinType": "Y Y",
                  "SeatLeft": "9 9"
                "PriceClassRef": "PCR_1",
                "SegmentRefs": "Segment3 Segment4",
                "FareBasis": {
                  "FareBasisCode": {
                    "Refs": "FG_2 FG_2",
                    "Code": "ULN0DV6R ULN0DV6R"
                  "RBD": "U U",
                  "CabinType": "Y Y",
                  "SeatLeft": "4 4"
        "BaggageAllowance": [
            "SegmentRefs": "Segment1 Segment2 Segment3 Segment4",
            "PassengerRefs": "ADT1 ADT2",
            "BaggageAllowanceRef": "Bag1"
        "SplitPaymentInfo": [
            "AirItineraryId": "117498811724064911641735202",
            "MultipleFop": "N",
            "MaxCardsPerPax": 0,
            "MaxCardsPerPaxInMFOP": 0
        // New Array for Schedule change
        "ScheduleChange": [
            "FlightKey": "Flight1",
            "SegmentRefs": "Segment1"
            "FlightKey": "Flight2",
            "SegmentReferences": "Segment3 Segment4"
          // Perform only this action with this PNR - If the value is ("Y") "Accept": "Y", then accept the OCN changes; otherwise, do not proceed with that action.
            "AmendmentsActions": {
              "Accept": "Y",
              "Cancel": "Y",
              "ReSchedule": "Y"
        "BookingToEquivExRate": 1,
        "FopRef": "FOP_124_0_988_0_ALL_PUB"
    "DataLists": {
      "PassengerList": {
        "Passengers": [
            "attributes": {
              "PassengerID": "ADT1"
            "PassengerID": "ADT1",
            "PTC": "ADT",
            "BirthDate": "1998-10-08",
            "NameTitle": "Mr",
            "FirstName": "Ram",
            "MiddleName": "",
            "LastName": "Kumar",
            "Gender": "Male",
            "TravelDocument": {
              "DocumentNumber": "",
              "ExpiryDate": "0000-00-00",
              "IssuingCountry": "",
              "DocumentType": "P"
            "Preference": {
              "WheelChairPreference": {
                "Reason": ""
              "SeatPreference": ""
            "LoyaltyProgramAccount": [],
            "ContactInfoRef": "CTC1"
            "attributes": {
              "PassengerID": "ADT2"
            "PassengerID": "ADT2",
            "PTC": "ADT",
            "BirthDate": "1998-10-08",
            "NameTitle": "Mr",
            "FirstName": "Shantha",
            "MiddleName": "",
            "LastName": "Kumar",
            "Gender": "Male",
            "TravelDocument": {
              "DocumentNumber": "",
              "ExpiryDate": "0000-00-00",
              "IssuingCountry": "",
              "DocumentType": "P"
            "Preference": {
              "WheelChairPreference": {
                "Reason": ""
              "SeatPreference": ""
            "LoyaltyProgramAccount": [],
            "ContactInfoRef": "CTC1"
      "DisclosureList": {
        "Disclosures": []
      "contactEmail": [""],
      "contactNumber": ["9876543213"],
      "ContactAddress": ["toronto"],
      "FareList": {
        "FareGroup": [
            "FareGroupRef": "FG_1",
            "FareCode": "70J",
            "FareBasisCode": "LLN08V6R"
            "FareGroupRef": "FG_2",
            "FareCode": "70J",
            "FareBasisCode": "ULN0DV6R"
      "FlightSegmentList": {
        "FlightSegment": [
            "SegmentKey": "Segment1",
            "Departure": {
              "AirportCode": "BOM",
              "Date": "2024-09-12",
              "Time": "04:30:00",
              "AirportName": "Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport",
              "Terminal": {
                "Name": "2"
            "Arrival": {
              "AirportCode": "AUH",
              "Date": "2024-09-12",
              "Time": "06:05:00",
              "AirportName": "Abu Dhabi International Airport",
              "Terminal": {
                "Name": "A"
            "MarketingCarrier": {
              "AirlineID": "EY",
              "Name": "Etihad Airways",
              "FlightNumber": "205"
            "OperatingCarrier": {
              "AirlineID": null,
              "Name": null,
              "FlightNumber": "205"
            "Equipment": {
              "AircraftCode": "789",
              "Name": "789"
            "Code": {
              "MarriageGroup": ""
            "FlightDetail": {
              "FlightDuration": {
                "Value": "3 Hrs 5 Min"
              "Stops": {
                "Value": 0
              "InterMediate": [],
              "AirMilesFlown": ""
            "BrandId": "YVALUE"
            "SegmentKey": "Segment2",
            "Departure": {
              "AirportCode": "AUH",
              "Date": "2024-09-12",
              "Time": "10:40:00",
              "AirportName": "Abu Dhabi International Airport",
              "Terminal": {
                "Name": "A"
            "Arrival": {
              "AirportCode": "SYD",
              "Date": "2024-09-13",
              "Time": "06:10:00",
              "AirportName": "Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport",
              "Terminal": {
                "Name": "1"
            "MarketingCarrier": {
              "AirlineID": "EY",
              "Name": "Etihad Airways",
              "FlightNumber": "450"
            "OperatingCarrier": {
              "AirlineID": null,
              "Name": null,
              "FlightNumber": "450"
            "Equipment": {
              "AircraftCode": "Boeing 777-300ER",
              "Name": "Boeing 777-300ER"
            "Code": {
              "MarriageGroup": ""
            "FlightDetail": {
              "FlightDuration": {
                "Value": "13 Hrs 30 Min"
              "Stops": {
                "Value": 0
              "InterMediate": [],
              "AirMilesFlown": ""
            "BrandId": "YVALUE"
            "SegmentKey": "Segment3",
            "Departure": {
              "AirportCode": "SYD",
              "Date": "2024-10-01",
              "Time": "20:35:00",
              "AirportName": "Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport",
              "Terminal": {
                "Name": "1"
            "Arrival": {
              "AirportCode": "AUH",
              "Date": "2024-10-02",
              "Time": "05:05:00",
              "AirportName": "Abu Dhabi International Airport",
              "Terminal": {
                "Name": "A"
            "MarketingCarrier": {
              "AirlineID": "EY",
              "Name": "Etihad Airways",
              "FlightNumber": "455"
            "OperatingCarrier": {
              "AirlineID": null,
              "Name": null,
              "FlightNumber": "455"
            "Equipment": {
              "AircraftCode": "Boeing 777-300ER",
              "Name": "Boeing 777-300ER"
            "Code": {
              "MarriageGroup": ""
            "FlightDetail": {
              "FlightDuration": {
                "Value": "14 Hrs 30 Min"
              "Stops": {
                "Value": 0
              "InterMediate": [],
              "AirMilesFlown": ""
            "BrandId": "YVALUE"
            "SegmentKey": "Segment4",
            "Departure": {
              "AirportCode": "AUH",
              "Date": "2024-10-02",
              "Time": "08:05:00",
              "AirportName": "Abu Dhabi International Airport",
              "Terminal": {
                "Name": "A"
            "Arrival": {
              "AirportCode": "BOM",
              "Date": "2024-10-02",
              "Time": "12:50:00",
              "AirportName": "Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport",
              "Terminal": {
                "Name": "2"
            "MarketingCarrier": {
              "AirlineID": "EY",
              "Name": "Etihad Airways",
              "FlightNumber": "208"
            "OperatingCarrier": {
              "AirlineID": null,
              "Name": null,
              "FlightNumber": "208"
            "Equipment": {
              "AircraftCode": "Airbus A320-100/200",
              "Name": "Airbus A320-100/200"
            "Code": {
              "MarriageGroup": ""
            "FlightDetail": {
              "FlightDuration": {
                "Value": "3 Hrs 15 Min"
              "Stops": {
                "Value": 0
              "InterMediate": [],
              "AirMilesFlown": ""
            "BrandId": "YVALUE"
      "FlightList": {
        "Flight": [
            "FlightKey": "Flight1",
            "Journey": {
              "Stops": 1
            "SegmentReferences": "Segment1 Segment2"
            "FlightKey": "Flight2",
            "Journey": {
              "Stops": 1
            "SegmentReferences": "Segment3 Segment4"
      "OriginDestinationList": {
        "OriginDestination": [
            "OriginDestinationKey": "OD1",
            "DepartureCode": "BOM",
            "ArrivalCode": "SYD",
            "FlightReferences": "Flight1"
            "OriginDestinationKey": "OD2",
            "DepartureCode": "SYD",
            "ArrivalCode": "BOM",
            "FlightReferences": "Flight2"
      // New Object for Schedule change
      "ScheduleChangeSegmentList": {
        "ScheduleChangeSegment": [
            "SegmentKey": "Segment1",
            "SegmentDetails": [
                "Departure": {
                  "Date": "2024-09-13",
                  "Time": "04:30:00",
                  "Terminal": {
                    "Name": "4"
                "MarketingCarrier": {
                  "AirlineID": "WY",
                  "Name": "Oman Airways",
                  "FlightNumber": "2091"
            "SegmentKey": "Segment3",
            "SegmentDetails": [
                "Departure": {
                  "AirportCode": "SYD",
                  "Date": "2024-10-01",
                  "Time": "20:45:00",
                  "AirportName": "Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport",
                  "Terminal": {
                    "Name": "1"
                "Arrival": {
                  "AirportCode": "DOH",
                  "Date": "2024-10-02",
                  "Time": "04:55:00",
                  "AirportName": "Doha Intl Airport",
                  "Terminal": {
                    "Name": "A"
                "MarketingCarrier": {
                  "AirlineID": "QR",
                  "Name": "Qatar Airways",
                  "FlightNumber": "909"
                "OperatingCarrier": {
                  "AirlineID": "QR",
                  "Name": "Qatar Airways",
                  "FlightNumber": "909"
                "Equipment": {
                  "AircraftCode": "Airbus A380-800",
                  "Name": "Airbus A380-800"
                "Code": {
                  "MarriageGroup": ""
                "FlightDetail": {
                  "FlightDuration": {
                    "Value": "15 Hrs 10 Min"
                  "Stops": {
                    "Value": 0
                  "InterMediate": [],
                  "AirMilesFlown": ""
                "BrandId": ""
                "Departure": {
                  "AirportCode": "DOH",
                  "Date": "2024-10-02",
                  "Time": "08:20:00",
                  "AirportName": "Doha Intl Airport",
                  "Terminal": {
                    "Name": "A"
                "Arrival": {
                  "AirportCode": "AUH",
                  "Date": "2024-10-02",
                  "Time": "10:25:00",
                  "AirportName": "Abu Dhabi International Airport",
                  "Terminal": {
                    "Name": "A"
                "MarketingCarrier": {
                  "AirlineID": "QR",
                  "Name": "Qatar Airways",
                  "FlightNumber": "1044"
                "OperatingCarrier": {
                  "AirlineID": "QR",
                  "Name": "Qatar Airways",
                  "FlightNumber": "1044"
                "Equipment": {
                  "AircraftCode": "Boeing 737 MAX 8",
                  "Name": "Boeing 737 MAX 8"
                "Code": {
                  "MarriageGroup": ""
                "FlightDetail": {
                  "FlightDuration": {
                    "Value": "01 Hrs 10 Min"
                  "Stops": {
                    "Value": 0
                  "InterMediate": [],
                  "AirMilesFlown": ""
                "BrandId": ""
            "SegmentKey": "Segment4",
            "SegmentDetails": [
                "Departure": {
                  "AirportCode": "AUH",
                  "Date": "2024-10-02",
                  "Time": "13:05:00"
                "FlightDetail": {
                  "FlightDuration": {
                    "Value": "3 Hrs 30 Min"
      "PriceClassList": {
        "PriceClass": [
            "PriceClassID": "PCR_1",
            "Name": "Economy value",
            "Code": "Economy value",
            "Descriptions": {
              "Description": []
      "BaggageAllowanceList": {
        "BaggageAllowance": [
            "BaggageAllowanceID": "Bag1",
            "BaggageCategory": "Checked",
            "AllowanceDescription": {
              "ApplicableParty": "Traveler",
              "Description": "CHECKED ALLOWANCE"
            "PieceAllowance": {
              "ApplicableParty": "Traveler",
              "TotalQuantity": "25",
              "Unit": "Kg"
      "FopList": [
          "CC": {
            "Allowed": "Y",
            "Types": {
              "AX": {
                "F": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                "P": 0,
                "Charges": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
              "MC": {
                "F": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                "P": 0,
                "Charges": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
              "VI": {
                "F": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                "P": 0,
                "Charges": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
              "JC": {
                "F": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                "P": 0,
                "Charges": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
          "DC": {
            "Allowed": "Y",
            "Types": {
              "MC": {
                "F": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                "P": 0,
                "Charges": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
              "VI": {
                "F": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
                "P": 0,
                "Charges": {
                  "BookingCurrencyPrice": 0,
                  "EquivCurrencyPrice": 0
          "CASH": {
            "Allowed": "Y",
            "Types": []
          "CHEQUE": {
            "Allowed": "Y",
            "Types": []
          "ACH": {
            "Allowed": "Y",
            "Types": []
          "PG": {
            "Allowed": "Y",
            "Types": []
          "FopKey": "FOP_124_0_988_0_ALL_PUB"
    "MetaData": {},
    "threeDsResponse": ""

3. Send Acknowledge response

Once you receive the OCN response to that configured endpoint, we will expect from your side the acknowledgment as the response.

Acknowledge Response

    "AcknowledgeResponse": {
        "Status": "OK",
        "Message": "Involuntary Schedule changes Response Received"