AirPostBooking SSR/OSI

SSR stands for “Special Service Request” and OSI stands for “Other Service Information.” Both of these are used by airlines to provide special services to passengers with unique needs or requirements.

SSRs are used to request special services for a passenger, such as wheelchair assistance, special meals, or any assistance. These requests are typically made at the time of booking or can be added later through the airline’s customer service channels.

OSIs are used to provide additional information about a passenger’s needs or requirements that may not be covered by an SSR. For example, an OSI may be used to indicate that a passenger has a medical condition that requires special attention.

Both SSRs and OSIs are important tools for airlines to ensure that all passengers are able to travel comfortably and safely.

It’s important to note that different airlines may have different policies and procedures for handling SSRs. Passengers are encouraged to check with their airline for specific information on how to request special services and what services are available.


  • Name: Provide the name for the request. This is a String value.

  • ReferenceVersion: Provide the version number. This is a Numeric value.

  • Travel Agency Sender:

    • Name: Provide the name for the request. This is a String value.

    • IATA Number: Provide the IATA number for the request. This is a String value.

    • Agency ID: Provide the agency ID. This is a String value.

    • Contacts: This is an Array.

      • EmailContact: Provide the email contact for the request. This is a String value.

  • PNR: This is the unique identifier that is typically provided by the airline at the time of booking. This is the required field, and the value will be String.

  • ShoppingResponseId: The Shopping Response ID is a unique identifier that is generated when a customer performs a search for flights and receives a list of available options.

This is the required field and the value will be Numeric.

  • Passenger: This is an Array.

    Note: This is a required field. The passenger list must have at least one adult. Infant object count should be less than or equal to adult count. Total pax should be less than or eqaul to 9.

    • PassengerID: PassengerID is a unique identifier used to identify a specific passenger on a flight. This identifier is typically assigned by the airline and may be used throughout the passenger’s journey to track their itinerary, ticket information, and other relevant data. This is a String value.

    • PTC: Valid values are ADT, CHD, and INF. This is a String value.

    • OnflyMarkup: This is an optional field. This is a String value.

    • OnflyDiscount: This is an optional field. This is a String value.

    • OnFlyPenalty: This is an optional field. This is a String value.

    • BirthDate: Provide the birth date. This is a Numeric value.

    • NameTitle: Provide the title for the given name. This is a String value. Valid values are,

      • ADT/Male: Mr
      • ADT/Female: Mrs and Ms
      • CHD/Male: Mstr
      • CHD/Female: Miss
      • INF/Male: Mstr
      • INF/Female: Miss
    • FirstName: Provide the first name. This is a String value.

    • MiddleName: Provide the middle name. This is a String value.

    • LastName: Provide the last name. This is a String value. .

    • Gender: Provide the gender of the passenger. Valid values are Male and Female. This is a String value.

    • ContactInfoRef : Provide the contact information details.

    • SpecialServiceRequest: SSRs are requests made by passengers with specific needs or requirements to receive special services from the airline. These requests can be made at the time of booking or added later through the airline’s customer service channels. This is an Array.

    • Origin: This is the Origin. This is a String value.

    • Destination: This is the Destination. This is a String value.

    • DepartureDateTime: This is the Departure date and time. This is a String value.

    • MarketingFlightNumber: This is the Marketing flight number. This is a Numeric value.

    • MarketingCarrier: This is the Marketing carrier. This is a String value.

    • SsrType: This is the Ssr type.Valid values are SSR and OSI. This is a String value.

    • SsrCode: SSR (Special Service Request) codes are used to indicate a passenger’s specific needs or requests, such as wheelchair assistance or a special meal.This is a String value. For Example : WCHR,WCHC

    • FreeText: This field is typically used to provide additional information that cannot be accommodated by the predefined options or codes in the reservation system. This is a String value.

This is an Array. This is a required field. Provide all the contact information here.

  • ContactID: Provide the contact ID.

  • AgencyName: Provide the agency name.

  • EmailAddress: Provide the email address.

  • Phone:

    • CountryCode: Provide the country code.

    • AreaCode: Provide the area code.

    • PhoneNumber: Provide the phone number.

  • Mobile:

    • CountryCode: Provide the country code.

    • MobileNumber: Provide the mobile number.

  • Address:

    • Street: This is an Array. Provide the street details.
    • CityName: Provide the city name.
    • StateProv: Provide the state or province name.
    • PostalCode: Provide the postal code.
    • CountryCode: Provide the country code.
  • PassengerContact: Provide the contact details.

    • EmailAddress: Provide your email ID. This is a String value.

    • Phone:

      • CountryCode: Provide the country code. This is a String value.

      • AreaCode: Provide the area code. This is a String value.

      • PhoneNumber: Provide the phone number. This is a Numeric value.

Request URL

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>' \

Request Body Sample

    "AirUpdateSsrOsiRQ": {
        "Document": {
            "Name": "Mahesh Tours And Travels",
            "ReferenceVersion": "1.0"
        "Party": {
            "Sender": {
                "TravelAgencySender": {
                    "Name": "Ram Tour And Travels",
                    "IATA_Number": "",
                    "AgencyID": "",
                    "Contacts": {
                        "Contact": [
                                "EmailContact": ""
        "ShoppingResponseId": "1683113497158644945",
        "CoreQuery": {
            "PNR": "UHIVFIWD"
        "DataLists": {
            "PassengerList": {
                "Passenger": [
                        "PTC": "ADT",
                        "PassengerID": "ADT1",
                        "NameTitle": "Mrs",
                        "FirstName": "Violeta",
                        "MiddleName": "",
                        "LastName": "Torres",
                        "ContactInfoRef": "CTC1",
                        "SsrRequest": [
                                "Origin": "YYZ",
                                "Destination": "YVR",
                                "ArrivalDateTime": "2023-06-10T08:36:00",
                                "DepartureDateTime": "2023-06-10T06:45:00",
                                "MarketingFlightNumber": "101",
                                "MarketingCarrier": "AC",
                                "SsrType": "SSR",
                                "SsrCode": "WCHR",
                                "FreeText": "srii"
            "ContactList": {
                "ContactInformation": [
                        "ContactID": "CTC1",
                        "AgencyName": "Mahesh Tours And Travels",
                        "EmailAddress": "",
                        "Phone": {
                            "ContryCode": "+91",
                            "AreaCode": "",
                            "PhoneNumber": "9524670749"
                        "Mobile": {
                            "ContryCode": "+91",
                            "MobileNumber": "9524670749"
                        "Address": {
                            "Street": [
                                "4400 BATHURST STREET,suite11",
                            "CityName": "Chennai",
                            "StateProv": "TN",
                            "PostalCode": "600042",
                            "CountryCode": "IN"
                        "PassengerContact": {
                            "EmailAddress": "",
                            "Phone": {
                                "ContryCode": "",
                                "AreaCode": "",
                                "PhoneNumber": ""

Response Sample

    "AirUpdateSsrOsiRS": {
        "Document": {
            "Name": "API GATEWAY",
            "ReferenceVersion": "1.2"
        "Party": {
            "Sender": {
                "TravelAgencySender": {
                    "Name": "Mahesh Tours And Travels",
                    "IATA_Number": "",
                    "AgencyID": "Mahesh Tours And Travels",
                    "Contacts": {
                        "Contact": [
                                "EmailContact": ""
        "ShoppingResponseId": "1683113497158644945",
        "Success": {},
        "Order": [
                "OrderID": "UHIVFIWD",
                "GdsBookingReference": "MDXLMU",
                "OfferId": "77061711683113499327301182",
                "PAReqKey": "",
                "AuthRefKey": "",
                "3dsPaymentRequired": "N",
                "securePaymentUrl": "",
                "TxnReferenceKey": "6bCWHuzhXvOxDB4xA2PY6R7MwLJFJQki",
                "SsrOsiSelectionStatus": "SUCCESS",
                "SsrOsiDelectionStatus": "SUCCESS"
        "DataLists": {
            "PassengerList": {
                "Passengers": [
                        "PTC": "ADT",
                        "PassengerID": "ADT1",
                        "NameTitle": "Mrs",
                        "FirstName": "Violeta",
                        "MiddleName": "",
                        "LastName": "Torres",
                        "ContactInfoRef": "CTC1",
                        "SsrRequest": [
                                "Origin": "YYZ",
                                "Destination": "YVR",
                                "ArrivalDateTime": "2023-06-10T08:36:00",
                                "DepartureDateTime": "2023-06-10T06:45:00",
                                "MarketingFlightNumber": "101",
                                "MarketingCarrier": "AC",
                                "SsrType": "SSR",
                                "SsrCode": "WCHR",
                                "FreeText": "srii",
                                "SegmentNumber": 1,
                                "BookingStatus": "NN"
                        "paxMealPreference": ""

Try it out!