
You can use this endpoint to retrieve the fare rules for each Offer ID. You need to send the selected offer’s Offer ID and ShoppingResponseId, as a query to retrieve the results. This is an optional service.


  • Name: Provide the name for the request. This is a String value.

  • ReferenceVersion: Provide the version number. This is a Numeric value.

  • Travel Agency Sender:

    • Name: Provide the name for the request. This is a String value.

    • IATA Number: Provide the IATA number for the request. This is a String value.

    • Agency ID: Provide the agency ID for the request. This is a String value.

    • Contacts:

      • EmailContact: Provide the email contact for the request. This is a String value.

      • Address: Provide the address. This is a String value.

  • Offer: This is an Array.

    • attributes: This is a String value.
      • ShoppingResponseId: The Shopping Response ID is a unique identifier that is generated when a customer performs a search for flights and receives a list of available options.This is the required field and the value will be String.

      • OfferID: When a customer performs a search for flights, the airline generates a list of available offers that meet the customer’s search criteria. Each offer within that list is assigned a unique OfferID. It is important to provide the correct numeric value to ensure that the system can identify the correct offer. This is the required field, and the value will be String.

Request URL

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>' \

Request Body Sample

    "FareRulesRQ": {
        "attributes": {
            "AuthToken": "38db3aed920cf82ab059bfccbd02be6a1604550926",
            "Version": "IATA2017.2",
            "xmlns": "http:\/\/\/IATA\/EDIST\/2017.2"
        "Document": {
            "Name": "Mahesh Tours And Travels",
            "ReferenceVersion": "1.0"
        "Party": {
            "Sender": {
                "TravelAgencySender": {
                    "Name": "Ram Tour And Travels",
                    "IATA_Number": "",
                    "AgencyID": "",
                    "Contacts": {
                        "Contact": {
                            "EmailContact": {
                                "Address": ""
        "Query": {
            "Offer": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "ShoppingResponseId": "1678284796766733395",
                        "OfferID": "77061721678284802555453313"

Response Sample

    "AirFareRulesRS": {
        "Document": {
            "Name": "API GATEWAY",
            "ReferenceVersion": "1.2"
        "Party": {
            "Sender": {
                "TravelAgencySender": {
                    "Name": "Mahesh Tours And Travels",
                    "IATA_Number": "",
                    "AgencyID": "Mahesh Tours And Travels",
                    "Contacts": {
                        "Contact": [
                                "EmailContact": ""
        "Success": {},
        "Rules": [
                "FareBasisCode": [
                        "Code": "BFFE/CS00"
                "AirlineID": "AC",
                "FareCode": "749",
                "Rule": [
                        "Category": "Status",
                        "Text": "SUCCESS"
                        "Category": "FareBasis",
                        "Text": "BFFE/CS00"
                        "Category": "ItineraryId",
                        "Text": "77061721678284802555453313"
                        "Category": "Departure",
                        "Text": "YYZ"
                        "Category": "Arrival",
                        "Text": "MCT"
                        "Category": "Data",
                        "Text": {
                            "RULE APPLICATION AND OTHER CONDITIONS": [
                                "Note the following text is informational and not validated for autopricing",
                                "4at4 market consolidator fares from canada la0031p application types of transportation frequent flyer program mileage accrual will apply",
                                "One way fares may not be doubled to create round trips/ circle trips/ open jaws",
                                "Capacity limitations the carrier shall limit the number of passengers carried on any one flight at fares governed by this rule and such fares will not necessarily be available on all flights",
                                "The number of seats, which the carrier shall make available on a given flight, will be determined by the carrier's best judgement"
                            "ELIGIBILITY": [
                                "No eligibility requirements apply"
                            "DAY/TIME": [
                                "No day/time travel restrictions apply"
                            "SEASONALITY": [
                                "No seasonal travel restrictions apply"
                            "FLIGHT APPLICATION": [
                                "The fare component must include travel via each transatlantic sector on one or more of the following any ac flight operated by ac any ac flight operated by lh any ac flight operated by ua any ac flight operated by lx any ac flight operated by os any ac flight operated by sn any ac flight operated by cl any ac flight operated by zx any ac flight operated by wk any ac flight operated by ew any ac flight operated by xg any ac flight operated by 4y lh flights 4282 through 4283."
                            "ADVANCE RESERVATIONS/TICKETING": [
                                "Confirmed reservations are required for all sectors",
                                "Waitlist not permitted",
                                "Ticketing must be completed within 72 hours after reservations are made",
                                "Note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "Due to automated ticketing deadline control difference could exist between the fare rule last ticketing date and the flight firming generated ticketing deadline message",
                                "The more restrictive ticketing deadline applies",
                                "Manually entered ticket numbers must always be in ssr item or according to different gds specifications"
                            "MINIMUM STAY": [
                                "No minimum stay requirements apply"
                            "MAXIMUM STAY": [
                                "Travel from last stopover must commence no later than 12 months after departure from fare origin"
                            "STOPOVERS": [
                                "Unlimited stopovers permitted on the outbound and on the inbound fare components"
                            "TRANSFERS": [
                                "6 transfers permitted in each direction",
                                "3 permitted in area 2/area 3 in each direction 3 permitted in area 1 in each direction",
                                "Fare break surface sectors not permitted and embedded surface sectors permitted on the fare component",
                                "Note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "Unless restricted by routing attached to fare records"
                            "COMBINATIONS": [
                                "Endonend not permitted",
                                "Side trips not permitted",
                                "Open jaws/round trips/circle trips fares may be combined on a half round trip basis to form single or double open jaws/round trips/ circle trips",
                                "Provided combinations are with any fare for carrier ac/lh/ lx/os/sn/ua in rule mcj2 in tariff fbrinpv between usa/caarea 1/2/3."
                            "BLACKOUT DATES": [
                                "No blackout dates apply"
                            "SURCHARGES": [
                                "Fare rule if infant without a seat psgr under 2. or contract bulk infant psgr under 2. there is no miscellaneous/other surcharge per direction per any passenger",
                                "If the fare component includes travel within area 2 on one or more of the following any ek flight any qr flight",
                                "Miscellaneous/other surcharge of cad 200.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "The surcharge will accrue to air canada only",
                                "And from ontario peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 13dec through 22dec when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 50.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 09mar23 through 11mar23 when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 50.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 15jun through 21jun when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 22jun through 28jun when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 100.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 29jun through 01jul when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 02jul through 03jul when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and to ontario peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 01jan through 09jan when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 25.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 18mar23 through 20mar23 when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. if the fare component includes travel between area 2 and area 3 on one or more of the following any ai flight any uk flight any ul flight any ku flight",
                                "Miscellaneous/other surcharge of cad 300.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "The surcharge will accrue to air canada only",
                                "And from ontario peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 13dec through 22dec when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 50.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 09mar23 through 11mar23 when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 50.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 15jun through 21jun when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 22jun through 28jun when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 100.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 29jun through 01jul when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 02jul through 03jul when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and to ontario peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 01jan through 09jan when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 25.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 18mar23 through 20mar23 when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. if the fare component includes travel from/to/via transatlantic sectors then that travel must be on one or more of the following any a flight operated by ac",
                                "From ontario peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 13dec through 22dec when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 50.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 09mar23 through 11mar23 when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 50.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 15jun through 21jun when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 22jun through 28jun when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 100.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 29jun through 01jul when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 02jul through 03jul when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and to ontario peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 01jan through 09jan when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 25.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 18mar23 through 20mar23 when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. from ontario peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 13dec through 22dec when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 50.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 09mar23 through 11mar23 when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and to ontario peak surcharge of cad 75.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 01jan through 09jan when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. and peak surcharge of cad 25.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger from 18mar23 through 20mar23 when sector of travel is between north america and area 2. general rule apply unless otherwise specified if infant without a seat psgr under 2. there is no miscellaneous/other surcharge per direction per any passenger",
                                "The provisions below apply only as follows tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or lh",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or ua",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or sn",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or lx",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or os",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or sk",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or me",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or kq",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or sa",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or jp",
                                "There is no miscellaneous/other surcharge per any passenger",
                                "Note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "Yq carrier surcharge may apply",
                                "Miscellaneous/other surcharge of usd 340.00 will be added to the applicable fare per any passenger for departure of transatlantic sectors",
                                "Note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "The surcharge will accrue to air canada only"
                            "ACCOMPANIED TRAVEL": [
                                "Accompanied travel not required"
                            "TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS": [
                                "No travel date restrictions apply"
                            "SALES RESTRICTIONS": [
                                "Tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or lh",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or lx",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or os",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or sn",
                                "Or tickets must be issued on the stock of ac or ua"
                            "PENALTIES": [
                                "Special emergency rules subject to change at anytime for ticketing on/before 05jul22/for travel on/after 01mar20 and on/before 05jul23 if all travel must be completed by midnight on 05jul24. note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "Regular fare rules apply for refunds",
                                "See above no refund permitted in case of noshow",
                                "Ticket/validity forfeit policy flight segment or segments must be cancelled on or prior to original departure date",
                                "Failure to cancel flight segment or segments prior to departure date will result in coupon or coupons forfeit and coupon will have no value",
                                "Waived for the death of the passenger or passenger family member or passengers traveling companion",
                                "Documentation required",
                                "Changes any time changes permitted",
                                "Note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "No changes permitted in case of noshow",
                                "Ticket/validity forfeit policy flight segment or segments must be cancelled on or prior to original departure date",
                                "Failure to cancel flight segment or segments prior to departure date will result in coupon or coupons forfeit and coupon will have no value",
                                "Fully unused tickets may be rebooked and travel commenced up to one year from original issue date",
                                "Partially used ticket may be rebooked and travel completed up to one year from original outbound date",
                                "Waived for the death of the passenger or passenger family member or passengers traveling companion",
                                "Documentation required",
                                "Reprice using any fare type except eru and eou used for basic brand",
                                "Before departure of journey for o/b change the new base fare amount must be recalculated using current and applicable fares in effect at the date of issuance",
                                "Charge difference in fare",
                                "Before departure of journey for i/b change the new base fare amount must be recalculated using historical and applicable fares in effect at the original ticket date",
                                "Charge difference in fare",
                                "In the event of a domestic/transborder and international ac fare combination international rule provision for change will apply",
                                "Pax holding confirmed reservation and tickets on ac operated flights only may confirm earlier/later same day flights between the same origin/dest",
                                "/stp points for free of charge",
                                "Seat inventory must be avail",
                                "In the cabin applic to the fare charged confirmed change may only be made at the airport on the day of the flt",
                                "Any airport same day confirmed changes will not be able to be admin",
                                "By calling the ac call centre or by visiting the ac website",
                                "Regular fare rules apply for any changes which do not qualify for the airport same day confirmed change fee sameday stanby not allowed",
                                "For ticketing on/before 29feb20/for travel on/before 29feb20 if all travel must be completed by midnight on 28feb21. before departure charge cad 150.00/eur 150.00 for reissue/ revalidation",
                                "Waived for death of passenger or family member",
                                "Note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "Reprice using any fare type except eru and eou before departure of journey for o/b change the new base fare amount must be recalculated using current and applicable fares in effect at the date of issuance",
                                "Charge difference in fare plus change fee",
                                "Change fee is subject to each change transaction",
                                "Before departure of journey for i/b change the new base fare amount must be recalculated using historical and applicable fares in effect at the original ticket date",
                                "Charge difference in fare plus change fee",
                                "Change fee is subject to each change transaction",
                                "New fare amount may be lower/equal or higher than original fare",
                                "If new fare is lower than original fareno refund permitted",
                                "The residual amount is forfeit",
                                "Changes not permitted in case of no shows refer to cancellation penalty",
                                "In the event of a domestic/transborder and international ac fare combination international rule provision for change will apply",
                                "Pax holding confirmed reservation and tickets on ac operated flights only may confirm earlier/later same day flights between the same origin/dest",
                                "/stp points for a nonref fee of cad 100.00. seat inventory must be avail",
                                "In the cabin applic to the fare charged confirmed change may only be made at the airport on the day of the flt",
                                "Any airport same day confirmed changes will not be able to be admin",
                                "By calling the ac call centre or by visiting the ac website",
                                "Regular fare rules apply for any changes which do not qualify for the airport same day confirmed change fee sameday stanby no allowed",
                                "After departure charge cad 150.00/eur 150.00 for reissue/ revalidation",
                                "Waived for death of passenger or family member",
                                "Note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "Reprice using any fare type except eru and eou after departure of journey the new base fare amount must be recalculated using historical and applicable fares in effect at the original ticket date",
                                "Charge difference in fare plus change fee",
                                "Change fee is subject to each change transaction",
                                "New fare amount may be lower/equal or higher than original fare",
                                "If new fare is lower than original fareno refund permitted",
                                "The residual amount is forfeit",
                                "Changes not permitted in case of no shows refer to cancellation penalty",
                                "In the event of a domestic/transborder and international ac fare combination international rule provision for change will apply",
                                "Pax holding confirmed reservation and tickets on ac operated flights only may comfirm earlier/later same day flights between the same origin/dest",
                                "/stopover points for a nonref fee of cad 100.00. seat inventory must be avail",
                                "In the cabin applic to the fare charged confirmed change may only be made at the airport on the day of the flt",
                                "Any airport same day confirmed changes will not be able to be admin",
                                "By calling the ac call centre or by visiting the ac website",
                                "Regular fare rules apply for any changes which do not qualify for the airport same day confirmed change fee sameday stanby no allowed",
                                "General rule apply unless otherwise specified cancellations any time cancellations permitted",
                                "Note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "No refund permitted in case of no show ticket/validity forfeit policy flight segment or segments must be cancelled on or prior to original departure date",
                                "Failure to cancel flight segment or segments prior to departure date will result in coupon or coupons forfeit and coupon will have no value",
                                "Waived for the death of the passenger or passenger family member or passengers traveling companion",
                                "Documentation required",
                                "Changes any time changes permitted",
                                "Note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "Changes not permitted in case of no shows refer to cancellation penalty",
                                "In the event of a domestic/transborder and international ac fare combination international rule provision for change will apply",
                                "Ticket/validity forfeit policy fully unused tickets may be rebooked and travel commenced up to one year from original issue date",
                                "Partially used ticket may be rebooked and travel completed up to one year from original outbound date",
                                "Flight segment or segments must be cancelled on or prior to original departure date",
                                "Failure to cancel flight segment or segments prior to departure date will result in coupon or coupons forfeit and coupon will have no value reprice using any fare type except eru and eou before departure of journey for o/b change the new base fare amount must be recalculated using current and applicable fares in effect at the date of issuance",
                                "Charge difference in fare",
                                "Before departure of journey for i/b change the new base fare amount must be recalculated using historical and applicable fares in effect at the original ticket date",
                                "Charge difference in fare",
                                "In the event of a domestic/transborder and international ac fare combination international rule provision for change will apply",
                                "Pax holding confirmed reservation and tickets on ac operated flights only may confirm earlier/later same day flights between the same origin/dest",
                                "/stp points for free of charge",
                                "Seat inventory must be avail",
                                "In the cabin applic to the fare charged confirmed change may only be made at the airport on the day of the flt",
                                "Any airport same day confirmed changes will not be able to be admin",
                                "By calling the ac call centre or by visiting the ac website",
                                "Regular fare rules apply for any changes which do not qualify for the airport same day confirmed change fee sameday stanby no allowed"
                            "HIP/MILEAGE EXCEPTIONS": [
                                "The higher intermediate point rule does not apply for stopovers",
                                "Note for routing fares the higher intermediate point rule does not apply for stopovers"
                            "TICKET ENDORSEMENTS": [
                                "The original and the reissued ticket must be annotated nonend/vald in the endorsement box"
                            "CHILDREN DISCOUNTS": [
                                "Cnn/accompanied child psgr 211 charge 75 percent of the fare",
                                "Ticket designator ch and percent applied",
                                "Must be accompanied on all flights in the same compartment at this rule by adult psgr 18 or older",
                                "Or inf/infant without a seat psgr under 2 charge 10 percent of the fare",
                                "Ticket designator in and percent applied",
                                "Must be accompanied on all flights in the same compartment at this rule by adult psgr 18 or older",
                                "Or ins/infant with a seat psgr under 2 charge 75 percent of the fare",
                                "Ticket designator ch and percent applied",
                                "Must be accompanied on all flights in the same compartment at this rule by adult psgr 18 or older",
                                "Note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "Infants becoming two years enroute must have a booked seat for the remaining portion of the journey and childrens fare applies for this part of the journey",
                                "Or jnn/contract bulk child psgr 211 charge 75 percent of the fare",
                                "Ticket designator ch and percent applied",
                                "Must be accompanied on all flights in the same compartment at this rule by contract bulk adult psgr 18 or older",
                                "Or jnf/contract bulk infant psgr under 2 charge 10 percent of the fare",
                                "Ticket designator in and percent applied",
                                "Must be accompanied on all flights in the same compartment at this rule by contract bulk adult psgr 18 or older",
                                "Or jns/contract bulk infant with a seat psgr under 2 charge 75 percent of the fare",
                                "Ticket designator ch and percent applied",
                                "Must be accompanied on all flights in the same compartment at this rule by contract bulk adult psgr 18 or older",
                                "Note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "Infants becoming two years enroute must have a booked seat for the remaining portion of the journey and childrens fare applies for this part of the journey",
                                "Or unn/unaccompanied child psgr 811 no discount"
                            "TOUR CONDUCTOR DISCOUNTS": [
                                "No discounts for tour conductors"
                            "AGENT DISCOUNTS": [
                                "No discounts for sale agents"
                            "ALL OTHER DISCOUNTS": [
                                "No discounts for others"
                            "MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS": [
                                "Note text below not validated for autopricing",
                                "The charge for lost tickets is as follows usd 75.00 cad 100.00 eur 100.00"
                            "FARE BY RULE": [
                                "Originating canada for ticketing on/before 31mar23 valid for contract bulk adult psgr",
                                "The fare was calculated as 100 percent of the roundtrip bffe fare",
                                "Higher intermediate point check may be applied to this fare",
                                "Apply fare by rule rules to this fare for categories: 50rule appl 10combinations 15sales restr 18ticket endo 19children disc 20tour cond disc 21agent disc 22all other disc 26groups 27tours 35negotiated fares apply base fare rules to this fare for categories: 01eligibility 02day/time 03seasons 04flight appl 06min stay 07max stay 08stopovers 09transfers 11blackouts 12surcharges 13accomp travel 16penalties 23misc provisions 28visit a country 29deposits 33vol rfds apply both fare by rule and base fare rules to this fare for categories: 05adv res/tktg 14travel restr"
                            "GROUPS": [
                                "No group provisions apply"
                            "TOURS": [
                                "No tour provisions apply"
                            "VISIT ANOTHER COUNTRY": [
                                "No visit another country provisions apply"
                            "DEPOSITS": [
                                "No deposit provisions apply"
                            "VOLUNTARY CHANGES": [
                                "Enter rd31 or rd‡line num‡31 for voluntary chgs"
                            "VOLUNTARY REFUNDS": [
                                "Check category 16 or contact carrier for details"
                            "NEGOTIATED FARES": [
                                "If contract bulk adult psgr",
                                "Or contract bulk child psgr 211. or contract bulk infant psgr under 2. or contract bulk infant with a seat psgr under 2. fares may be viewed/priced/ticketed by ky6g",
                                "Place the following information on the passenger coupon: tour code la0031p",
                                "Place it in the fare box",
                                "Place the following information on the auditors coupon: tour code la0031p"
                            "INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION": [
                                "Not a constructed fare "

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